10:56 < zbigniew> sarahbot: (apply apply (list apply apply (list (list apply apply (list (list apply + (list (list 2 3)))))))) 11:30 < Riastradh> sarahbot: eval (((lambda (f) ((lambda (g) (g g)) (lambda (g) (f (lambda (x) ((g g) x)))))) (lambda (fib) (lambda (x) (if (< x 1) 1 (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2))))))) 5) 11:30 < sarahbot> 13 # (1 . + . 2) is PLT infix syntax 10:51 < zbigniew> rudybot: eval (apply . apply . `(,apply (,apply (,apply (apple . ,cons . (())))))) 10:51 < rudybot> ; Value: (apple) 13:09:48 < zbigniew> incubot: `(,@'().()) 13:09:49 < incubot> () 13:10:25 < klutometis> zbigniew: that's tits with pit hair? 13:10:55 < zbigniew> klutometis: others have seen it as a buxom young lady carrying a soccer ball 13:10:55 < XTL> An owl with a pierced ear? 13:11:12 < Daemmerung> I see a rabbit in a cloud 13:27:49 < r2q2> zbigniew: Wow a scheme emoticon (let-syntax ((ג (syntax-rules () ((ג a b0 b1 ...) (lambda a b0 b1 ...))))) ((ג (ג) (ג ג)) (ג (ג) (ג ג)))) 16:13:23 < DerGuteMoritz> how do you read this comment about Clojure: "Still Lisp, but requires substantial knowledge of Java to effectively handle it. It's a Lisp with a but." 16:14:04 < zbigniew> everybody I know has a big but 16:14:54 < zbigniew> anyway, how do you mean. it reads fine 16:15:17 < DerGuteMoritz> I was aiming for the but 16:15:26 < zbigniew> If you change it to "It's a Lisp with a big but" it would be even better. 16:15:46 < zbigniew> and I cannot lie 16:15:51 < DerGuteMoritz> haha 16:16:28 < zbigniew> 16:15:17 < DerGuteMoritz> I was aiming for the but 14:58:13 < zbigniew> "never underestimate the bandwidth of a chicken crossing the road" 14:58:35 < zbigniew> that could be spiffy's tagline 11:52:10 * zbigniew yawns xtra-wide; varying up these sentences requires quite painful operations now, man, like kernel jumps into hell's gates. frig, even DerGuteMoritz couldn't bear anymore. 14:45:17 < zbigniew> or spaghettiva, buddhist god of OO