Anything with section->subsection should have HTML regenerated. I didn't do this for many, but I could. Updated in SVN: array-lib: Documentation "sections" changed to subsections. Adjusted example formatting bloom-filter: Documentation "sections" changed to subsections box: same as bloom-filter cookie: Invalid eggdoc crc: remove dup PRE tag [issue since fixed] F-operator: section -> subsection; usage -> pre Not completely fixed -- excess whitespace due to limitation of info. Recommended fix is to manually collapse whitespace by closing strings at end of line fp: signature typo; section -> subsection; paren balance fpfz: section -> subsection generator: examples moved to toplevel geoip: invalid "string-append" tag -> div; section -> subsection Note: author, examples too wide for pdf -- not fixed. hashes: section -> subsection; create 'constant' signature tag Excess whitespace not deleted; info file will be affected honu: h3 -> subsection html-plots: wrap license body in p (block tag) html-stream: wrap license body in p (block tag) imlib2: section -> subsection; subsection -> subsubsection [new in eggdoc 1.2] javahack: paren fix levenshtein: usage -> pre; fix examples nesting; convert References to section -- Some hbox overflows. mathh: section -> subsection md5: section -> subsection message-digest: section -> subsection misc-extn: section -> subsection mysql: (requires (p ...)) -> (requires (span ...)) -- Excess whitespace not deleted; info file will be affected openssl: move license to section level r6rs-libraries: section->subsection; use eggdoc:make-defsig for library tag (for convenience) rfc822: handle and use constant tag multiline tt -> pre (tt (pre ...)) -> (pre ...) fix one (procedure) nesting ripemd: section->subsection rlimit: move section to toplevel; use eggdoc:make-defsig [new in eggdoc 1.2] sha1, sha2: section->subsection sql: `(table ,transforms) -> `(table ,@transforms) -- eggdoc-textinfo requires (table (tr ...) (tr ...)) not (table ((tr ...) (tr ...))) sqlite3: moved license section to toplevel srfi-19, 27, 29: section->subsection suspension: paren fix sx: extraneous quasiquote sxml-match: move license section tag to toplevel synch: section->subsection tiger-hash: section->subsection z3: section->subsection Generated but not updated in SVN: amb: created amb-doc.scm -- minor modifications to get this to work -- move license/examples up one level, read scheme version of examples aquaterm: same as amb packedobjects: Moved Description to Documentation. Change to extended examples phoghorn: [sub]section -> [sub]subsection. Moved "usage" section to "Use" subsection of Documentation. Added with-default-param tag to stylesheet. Description moved to Documentation. spiffy-utils: Move description to Documentation Unfixed: format: Author, description fields too long for pdf output. License body should be wrapped in (p) tag. mistie: Rewrite to conform to eggdoc syntax. rpc-demo: Pulls in HTML, did not update (see amb, aquaterm) scgi: Pulls in HTML, did not update (see amb, aquaterm) sqlite3-tinyclos: Pulls in HTML, did not update (see amb, aquaterm) Noted: levenshtein: hbox overflows magic: hbox overflows sql: hbox overflow in example z3: hbox overflow Updated HTML: honu imlib2 mathh Added to eggdoc: eggdoc:make-defsig -- easily create new signatures subsubsection, subsubsubsection Add with-default-param tag for parameter signatures.