Chicken and git -*- org -*- * Check out Chicken via ssh key git clone chicken@galinha:chicken-core.git * Formatting patches git format-patch --thread --cover-letter -k -s --stdout 0e95d304d4e774b5814c8e3d6721e52c07d9cffa >| /tmp/mb * Pushing to a topic branch on galinha git push origin local-branch:zb/topic-branch will push objects from your local-branch (don't think it pushes everything) and then create (or update) ref/heads/zb/topic-branch on the remote system. * My public repository is set up to serve public git repos via git-daemon out of ~user/git/xxx.git via git:// /var/www/ via git:// Must be world-readable; ~zb/git and /pub/git are, but ~jim is not. Write access is available via ssh: git clone git:// git clone ssh://zb@3e8/~/git/test3.git git clone zb@3e8:git/test3.git To initialize a public repository: zb@3e8:~$ git init --bare git/test3.git zb@3e8:~$ touch git/test3.git/git-daemon-export-ok Then push your private repository to it: git push zb@3e8:git/test3.git master Possibly add it as a remote so you can push via `git push 3e8`: git remote add 3e8 zb@3e8:git/test3.git git remote add 3e8 3e8:/var/www/